dawn sunset beach woman
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You ARE born to SHINE

We are not defined by our past, we are defined by every choice we make.

Every choice that has brought You to this point, has defined You. It is called…

Free will

You go through life gathering knowledge and You grow.

We grow every day.

You will not ever be the person You were yesterday, last week, last month or years ago… You have already gained more knowledge as of now

Let go the past……..Let go negative thoughts that hold You back

‘These thoughts DO NOT serve You well’

Release anger, guilt, insecurities and unforgiveness.

FREE Your mind.

Each day we smell, taste, touch, hear and see countless new experiences. Each day we make countless choices when confronted with each new experience. Choices that influence who we are and our future.

Make Your World the very best it can be. LOVE be Your guide in EVERY choice You make. Allow Yourself to be who you really are. Love Yourself enough to make the very best choices that elevate You and those around You. Allow Yourself to see  the true beauty this world has to show us. Connect to this World and all of mankind in ways you did not think are possible. An eternity of LOVE and Happiness awaits us all…………….YOU ARE WORTH IT!

We all want to LIVE………

yet we do nothing about it.

Every choice we make is preceded by a Question. What is Your intent? Does Your intent have a negative or positive outcome? Give Yourself the positive answer. LOVE Yourself enough to do that. We are all worth it.

Be free…………………Live Your Truth





‘thinkk like a chlid’

close up portrait of human eye
Photo by Skitterphoto on

Actually STOP!!!, for ONE finite moment in an infinite, limitless eternity, actually STOP!!!………..”THINK”!, IMAGINE! …………..


Continue reading ‘thinkk like a chlid’


dawn sunset beach woman
Photo by Pixabay on

You ARE born to SHINE

We are not defined by our past, we are defined by every choice we make.

Every choice that has brought You to this point, has defined You. It is called…

Free will

You go through life gathering knowledge and You grow.

We grow every day.

You will not ever be the person You were yesterday, last week, last month or years ago… You have already gained more knowledge as of now, than You knew yesterday.

Let go the past……..Let go negative thoughts that hold You back

‘These thoughts DO NOT serve You well’

Release anger, guilt, insecurities and unforgiveness.

FREE Your mind.

Each day we smell, taste, touch, hear and see countless new experiences. Each day we make countless choices when confronted with each new experience. Choices that influence who we are and our future.

Make Your World the very best it can be. LOVE be Your guide in EVERY choice You make. Allow Yourself to be who you really are. Love Yourself enough to make the very best choices that elevate You and those around You. Allow Yourself to see  the true beauty this world has to show us. Connect to this World and all of mankind in ways you did not think are possible. An eternity of LOVE and Happiness awaits us all…………….YOU ARE WORTH IT!

We all want to LIVE………

yet we do nothing about it.

Every choice we make is preceded by a Question. What is Your intent? Does Your intent have a negative or positive outcome? Give Yourself the positive answer. LOVE Yourself enough to do that. We are all worth it.

Be free…………………Live Your Truth




bracelets dawn dusk friendship
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A gifted life

Knowing whoWe are and what we are part of…

To understand who we are, we need to know what Love is. Love is the energy that connects us all. It is the One thing we all search for

Love is not butterflies in Your “stomach”, nor is it an emotion.

Love is wanting the best for each other and all living things. Love is an action, to give of Yourself…….selflessly, expecting nothing in return.

LOVE is the corner-stone of our existence. LOVE is the energy We are created from. We are Gifted this life to LOVE, LIVE and to GIVE life.

“to Love is to know God”

We are all part of the SAME creation, we are connected to our Creator, each other and every part of creation. We are Blessed with an infinite soul, which is housed by a beautiful and perfectly designed vessel to carry us through our journey of life. WOW! how blessed we are.

Be grateful and thank Your Creator for choosing You. Be grateful for all You are gifted.

To attract Love, we must give Love……………….project positive and You will attract positive. Project negative and that is what You will surround Yourself with. Project Your most elevated self, the very best part of You (You are worth it). Project Love in every choice You make.

Elevate Yourself and in doing so, You elevate others. What You project into the Universe is what You will be drawn to. Make every choice a positive one with only Love in mind, a choice that not only elevates You, but elevates all of mankind. We are all worth it.

With each and every soul projecting Love, we create a perfect World, ‘Heaven on Earth’.


There is a burning desire of omniscience (the need to know all there is to know)inside all of us. All the answers to all the questions. When We project Love into the universe we elevate ourselves and we open our hearts and minds to a higher level, our most elevated self…….our knowing and understanding of Mankind’s purpose becomes transparent.

We have been gifted the Power to create a perfect future for eternity. Our eternal souls are infinite therefore connected to eternity.We are all connected to God and creation therefore part of the eternal future, God is eternal.

It is what we do in this life, the choices we make which determines that future.

This is our life to Live……… it is also our life to Squander


Know Your worth…











dawn sunset beach woman
Photo by Pixabay on

You ARE born to SHINE

We are not defined by our past, we are defined by every choice we make.

Every choice that has brought You to this point, has defined You. It is called…

Free will

You go through life gathering knowledge and You grow.

We grow every Moment

You will not ever be the person You were yesterday, last week, last month or years ago… You have already gained more knowledge as of now, than You knew yesterday.

Let go the past……..Let go negative thoughts that hold You back

‘These thoughts DO NOT serve You well’

Release anger, guilt, insecurities and unforgiveness.

FREE Your mind.

Each day we smell, taste, touch, hear and see countless new experiences. Each day we make countless choices when confronted with each new experience. Choices that influence who we are and our future.

Make Your World the very best it can be. LOVE be Your guide in EVERY choice You make. Allow Yourself to be who you really are. Love Yourself enough to make the very best choices that elevate You and those around You. Allow Yourself to see  the true beauty this world has to show us. Connect to this World and all of mankind in ways you did not think possible. An eternity of LOVE and Happiness awaits us all…………….YOU ARE WORTH IT!

We all want to LIVE………

yet we do nothing about it.

Every choice we make is preceded by a Question. What is Your intent? Does Your intent have a negative or positive outcome? Give Yourself the positive answer. LOVE Yourself enough to do that. We are all worth it.

Be free…………………Live Your Truth